Posts In: Registered Massage Therapist

Alexandra Dubois

October 2, 2015

Originally from Quebec, Alexandra has spent the last 15 years in Western Canada. Her passion for movement in the mountains has been driving her life since.

In her practice Alex values empowering her patient to be active participant of their well-being journey, to find ease and play in daily activities.

She particularly enjoys helping clients connect with their breath, engage in active techniques and communicate their needs. Her therapeutic practice is informed and influenced by her trainings in Yoga and Shiatsu massage.

Clare Kearney

December 21, 2014

Clare is Registered with the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia, a certified yoga instructor, and Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release Practitioner.

Clare is fascinated with the human form and is currently a student of Osteopathy at the Canadian School of Osteopathy.

Her therapeutic approach takes her studies into consideration; including multiple years studying Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy, various fascial system approaches, breathwork, trauma studies, and a strong appreciation for Yogic Philosophy and practices.

Why do clients come to see her?

Some of the wide range of ailments her clients come in for help with: Acute or chronic injury, postural imbalance, stress disorders, breathing difficulties, headaches, sports injury, rehabilitation, post-concussion, peri natal care, feel-good maintenance.

Through treatments she hopes her clients will regain balance. She encourages self-care and support through offering a wide breadth of information and techniques, helping her clients learn new movement patterns, meditative practices and specific stretch and strengthening therapeutics when appropriate.

Clare is pleased to be part of a healthy patient-centered referral system with other practitioners in the Kootenays and here at Madhu Wellness Collective, Rossland.

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